April 26, 2024
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How to protect your WordPress website from hackers

Feb 18, 2015 0

74,652,825 sites hosted on the internet are depending on WordPress, at this moment. Being such a big player in the self-hosted websites segment, WordPress is the victim of high rates of hacking. Therefore, if you want to make sure you website or blog is fully protected against unauthorized penetration, you need to follow few simple steps. Plugins update Hacking can be possible if your WordPress website is vulnerable, therefore predisposed to malware, files change or malicious content upload. But you can keep your guard up and your WordPress blog protected by constantly updating the plugins. The main reason of plugins updating is to prevent bots from finding your blog’s vulnerabilities. Plugins are most often overlooked by normal users, this being the perfect hide-out for hackers and their malicious files. Therefore, if you receive any notification with regards to you plugins update, take few minutes and update them, unlocking all the possibilities of being hacked. ...

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